Neil Forrest
Coral Netting

Coral Netting (above) is a consortium of fragments founded on irregular growth patterns of reefs. Plugged into each other, each element is works upward to a small number of ceiling fittings which suspend the entire group. Regeneration is nearby in any invocation of nature, and the coral organism possesses a kind of unique 'hermaphrodites’ aspect.
Coral Netting (above) 2001 porcelain, steel pins & vinyl tubing 90 cm l. x 83 cm h. x 34 cm d. 35" l. x 32" h. x 15" d.

As a group, the Nets roll outward and finds form by the limits of the available volume of nodes. The language of knots and sinews arise from a biophilic study of insect habitat, skeletal and root structures. The scaffolding system never permits contact amongst the individuals but moves as an interlacing mass. The nets are nomadic entities, making an ornament that is separate from the host structure.

various Netting
porcelain, steel pins & vinyl tubing
90 cm l x 83 cm h x 34 cm d
35" l x 32" h x 15" d
© 2022 by Neil Forrest
Photography by Neil Forrest